Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I am just totally sad now

Seriously. I am way sad.

Because basically I've been working my ass off all the time lately, and I never feel like I have a single second for myself even though I would like to because I'm trying to get some writing done, and what with one thing and another, I realized that I was definitely never ever going to have time to myself unless I stole time. Like a big stealing stealer. So, not having a Time-Turner (but how good would that be? I could have a nap and do work. It would be le awesome), I decided to stay up all night last night and just chill and watch TV and revise my story. Pretty much the most excellent plan I've ever come up with.

And yesterday was a long day: I had a midterm (five pages I wrote! and I have small handwriting!) and then an oral presentation and then another uneventful class, and then I had work, and then I had what we'll just tactfully call a very dull night class, and all through this extremely long day I was telling myself, Never mind, Jenny, pretty soon it will be the evening time and you can play! All night! There can be all-night playing!

But do you know what happened, do you know? Ugh, it was so unfortunate. I washed my hair and sorted out all the daytime stuff I had to sort out, and then I went to turn on the TV and put in my DVD, and the DVD player was broken.


Which means not only do I not get my free fun night at all, but also I have to now buy another DVD player. And oh my God, you just have no idea how much I wanted my free fun night. I am totally the saddest person ever right now. My shoulders are all droopy and they may never recover.

And today I saw a video of a soldier throwing a puppy off a cliff. And the Democratic race is still not decided. I am so, so, so sad.

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