Saturday, March 1, 2008


New category! About damn time I had this category. I mean, I really love TV shows -- it's of course a purely intellectual love; I am interested in the way TV show plots work, with the single plotline for each show and then the story arcs that span entire seasons. That is cool.

Yes. That's the reason. No other reason. I have not got an addictive personality, nope. I do not count a bowl of popcorn snarfed down in front of the TV as a meal, no, definitely not, never.

I should have made this category ages ago, dude. I have an entire category for Wallace Stevens – oh, Wallace Stevens, I hate you so much and I'm still super glad that Ernest Hemingway beat the shit out of you – and no category for TV shows? That was so not right.

Well, having alerted the internet about this new category, I will now go back through every post I have ever made in order to add this new category wherever it applies. My personality is not addictive in nature. Definitely not. Nothing of the kind. I can stop any time I want to stop.

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