Sunday, November 26, 2006

They have magical libraries here

No, they seriously do. I’m so not even kidding. Steve took me to the Colchester library yesterday and I got a library card so that I could check out a child’s book to cheer me up, and you know how they check out books there, DO YOU KNOW? It’s magic. You do it all yourself. You press a button and swipe your card and then you put your books in a pile on the wooden scale thing, and the machine magically knows what books you have! It’s true! Because it’s magic! It pulls it up on the little computer screen, and it’s all like, Blah blah blah, these two books are now checked out to you, or whatever it says. AND it prints out a little receipt telling you what you’ve taken out and when it’s due, which seems like a tiny bit of a waste of paper but who cares? It’s magic! Magical magic! The Colchester library is magical!

*sings a little magic ditty*


Anonymous said...

Whoa, how is that possible? Can we go to the library when I come up because I want to see this seemingly impossible phenomena.

Anonymous said...

that’s awesome! oh my goodness!