Sunday, November 26, 2006

I can't handle anything this complicated

BAH. I went into the bathroom today, and the light was turned on. Instead of off! It’s always turned off! And then when I enter the bathroom I turn the light ON! That is the pattern! DEVIANCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

It’s very confusing because my brain says: Here we are in a particular room. It is customary to change the light situation when we enter this room. Why don’t you reach up your hand and turn on the light so that we can see what is going on here? Here is the little pull-string. Pull it. AAAAAAAAA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHY IS IT DARK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT

Stupid brain. Telling me all the wrong things. Hmph.

(I am procrastinating on another paper. Can you tell?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have so done this.