Thursday, November 23, 2006

What I am thankful for

Bourbon creams, because they are
a) chocolate
b) tasty
c) cheap
d) not to Steve’s taste so I have them all to myself

the fact that my flatmates are nice and relatively sane

the fact that my family are coming to see me in a little over a month

libraries, which prevent me from buying books all the time every day in vast quantities

calzones, which make enough food for two meals

cheese (yum!)

being able to eat peanuts (although of course I would rather be with you and be peanut-deprived, Robyn, my angel)

the existence of Pirates of the Caribbean. Thank you, Gore Verbinski (I always want to write Gore Vidal).

my upcoming Mental Health Day

the Democrats’ gaining control of Congress

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I’m grateful that I can’t eat peanuts alright! They’d kill me. So ha!