Sunday, January 20, 2008

Striving for authenticity

Okay, look. People are always on my case about exercising and they are always like Oh Jenny don't you know that exercise is good for you and don't you know that exercise will give you endorphins and pull you out of the deep depression you have sunk into upon learning that you are going to be forced to read Moby Dick and Walden again and also a huge bunch of Walt Whitman that you had managed to avoid up until now and don't you know that if you do not exercise you will develop nasty diseases and die?

But what they are FAILING to CONSIDER (because they are not reflective people) is that up until today I haven't had any exercising trousers. Like, I know I can wear big shirts to exercise in, and indeed that is an ideal exercising clothe, but I also have to wear something on my bottom half, and seriously, I had nothing to wear! I had no exercising shorts. I had no exercising trousers. I couldn't exercise. My hands were tied. As you can well imagine, the last thing I would want is to go into the rec center in non-exercising trousers and have everyone turn around from their exercising to say YOU GET OUT OF HERE AT ONCE YOU EXERCISE FRAUD and leap off of their machines and suppress me and tell me never ever never darken their doors again ever.

However, today I purchased some proper exercising trousers. I know they're the appropriate kind of exercising trousers because I have seen other people, exercising people, and they were wearing trousers of this kind. The stretchy kind with a nice solid color and then a white stripe down both sides. That's what exercising people wear. Now I have some too. I am no longer a big fraud.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to the gym at Princeton two or three times (*shudder*) and there were surprisingly many people wearing pajamas to exercise. (By people I mean girls, of course; the guys all wore high-tech stuff to make themselves look as tough as possible.) I wouldn't do such a thing myself - my pajamas are strictly for the hours when I'm moving as little as possible - but if you had done it before acquiring your proper exercising trousers, I doubt anyone would have looked at you askance.