Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First impressions

I had three of my four classes today, the fourth being a class I have already taken before in high school and had the professor for it so I know what he's like. Already. But as for the others:

1) My Unpleasant English Class Requirement where, goddammit, I have to read Moby Dick (again!). The professor for that looks like Dustin Hoffman. It's eerie. The more I look at him, the more he looks like Dustin Hoffman. Especially when he smiles. He also has a little bit of a look of David Strathairn, as Robyn pointed out, but mainly he looks exactly like Dustin Hoffman. He thinks it is very funny that Tocqueville made accurate predictions.

2) My Pleasant English Class Requirement where I get to read Jane Eyre! Jane Eyre! Please see my post-script for the thing I just realized about Jane Eyre and its impact upon my life. Well, my professor is very tiny and cheerful and got interviewed for the special features of the Sweeney Todd DVD, and we are reading loads of good things and then watching the movies of them. I'm excited. I am writing a short story adaptation of "The Little Mermaid" (or so I optimistically claim), and then I am thinking I may write my long paper on the development of the Remorseful Vampire and some modern uses of him. Including, if God is kind, my recently-read and amazingly trashy Twilight.

3) My Hopefully-Useful-In-Life elective. Our instructor for this has a face like a little boy, and sort of a little-kid haircut as well, so I keep glancing up and being like, Whoa, what the hell, who's this kid and where's our instructor? before I remember what's going on. Plus she wears kind of baggy clothes, with a big smoking jacket type thing on top, and it makes her look like a little boy dressing up in his parents' clothing. And at the end of her sleeves are two completely normal grown-up-size hands, which is oddly creepy and keeps reminding me of the Swedish chef.

So good things mainly. Hopefully.

P.S. Guess what I just realized about Jane Eyre. I never noticed this before just this second, but OH MY GOD GUESS WHAT. Okay, so my mother gave me a copy of Jane Eyre when I was about nine, I think, and told me that it was really good and moreover the hero called the heroine "Jenny" (which is my name). And I was all, SWEET! MY NAME!, so I read it (though actually he calls her "Janet", so pooh) and I completely loved it, of course. And my mother kept saying "Where are you? Oo, wait until you get to the end! The end is fantastic!" and she said it so much that I started to feel I actually couldn't wait for the end (especially when Jane ran away and took up with that asshole Sinjun whose name I just can't be bothered to spell correctly), so I flipped forward and read the end.

And that is how it all began.

I just realized that. Jane Eyre (and my mother) showed me The Way.

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