Thursday, January 3, 2008


Or, I didn’t know the third Libba Bray book was out already!

Actually, ultimately, I am not that huge a fan of these books; they are just a guilty pleasure: entertaining but I can’t remember a single character’s name except Gemma. I can’t even remember the sexy gypsy boy’s name, just that Gemma was having Totally Shocking Dreams about him the likes of which no nice Victorian girl would repeat to a biographer. So basically I am not going to live or die by what happens in The Sweet Far Thing (not sure about this title), but I will be chagrined if the sexy gypsy and Gemma don’t hook up in the end.

Er, I am not shallow. I do not require happy tidy romantic endings to all of my books. I was really, really glad that I Capture the Castle ended the way it did. I was! And the same for I’m sure many other books and films where the two characters who were having sexual tension did not get together and live happily ever after, but I’m just having a hard time thinking of them right now. All I can think of is things that caused me chagrin, like how Tashi went insane after the end of The Color Purple and Adam had an affair. (Poo.)

Well, this steaming rollercoaster of a novel with some sizzling gypsies thrown in will have to wait, because my library isn’t letting us put holds on it yet on account of its being so new. Perhaps I will pay a visit to Bongs & Noodles and read it there. Which is what I also have been vaguely wanting to do about the last of another YA series I don't think is that great, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, because I just want to know what happens.

(Just looked it up on Wikipedia – the Way, the Truth, and the Light, verily I say unto ye – thereby saving myself the time at Bongs & Noodles, and apparently what happens is sex. Sex, sex, sex. I don’t think these girls are the role models they should be. I am shocked, shocked, at their behavior, and I don’t think the author should be propagating nasty myths like about young girls not even in their twenties having extramarital sex. Unless they are Victorian girls with massive crushes on sexy gypsy boys.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was also miffed about Adam's affair and Tashi's insanity.