Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Most horrific commercial ever

I was watching Guiding Light, right (as I do – it's awesome when little children are the villains, although of course I'd rather have Edmund), and there were commercials which I was watching as I finished eating my popcorn, and this was the commercial that came on:

A little boy comes in the door, looking glum and a little stumbly, and the voiceover says "Your beloved son is a horrorhouse of disgusting germs" (or something to that effect), and the little boy is suddenly all over green and purple squiggly things. He touches the telephone, and the purple and green squigglies get all over the phone and squirm there, and then a sweet innocent cheerful little girl comes to pick up the phone and the squigglies are on her like white on rice until Lysol comes to save the day.

Lysol has to stop picking on people with OCD. That commercial made me shudder, and I'm only a very tiny tiny tiny bit obsessed with cleanliness, and not at all with germs. Squirmy yucky things is unfair. It's hitting below the belt.

Luckily Guiding Light came back shortly thereafter and distracted me. Reva's been framed for murder by an eight-year-old kid, and Josh is On The Trail, and now Cassie's all, "I can't believe you would sacrifice my son for your ex-wife!" With new, dramatic music. Guiding Light rocks my world, except for their new lame theme song. I miss the old one even though I can't remember how it went. You can't sing with the new one.

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