Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Seriously, this is the best day ever.

This is the most satisfying day. You wouldn't think it would be, as it's September 11 and it's a sad remembrance day, and also I know three people of whom I am rather fond who were flying today on airplanes, and that was nervous-making, but I've just been having the nicest and most convenient day ever.

Like: My new doctor (I finally caved and got a grown-up GP) is nice and says I'm doing exactly right with my toe and it isn't infected.

And: I couldn't decide whether I was in the mood for The Merlin Conspiracy (which may be my third-to-least favorite of Diana Wynne Jones's books, though I'll decide for sure after rereading Hexwood (dedicated to Neil Gaiman!) and The Spellcoats), so I picked it up and started to read it, and I discovered that I was very, very, very in the mood for it and I couldn't put it down and it was thrilling (though still subpar).

I just had a really hard time typing "subpar". I kept typing "supbar". Supbar makes more sence as a word. Supper bar! A supbar! Why is that not a word? Subpar just looks weird. I enjoy saying it but I don't at all enjoy writing it.

Then on the way back I realized that I desperately needed parmesan cheese if I am going to make delicious stuffed potatoes for myself tomorrow, so I stopped at Albertson's, and while I was there already! Already there! I remembered that I had to deposit a check, which was very handy because I was already there! AND.

Well, wait, this deserves a new paragraph.

There was toilet paper that was 2 for 1! Two enormous things of toilet paper for the price of one! I swear. Now my flatmates and I will never, never run out. Ever. We will pass toilet paper on to the next set of people to live here, that is how much toilet paper there now is. More toilet paper than God.

And - don't read on if you're of a skeptical frame of mind, because this is just too much good fortune to be credited all in one day, and I wouldn't blame you if you refused to believe me - when I drove back to campus, I got a parking spot really close to my flat! So close! Like close enough to where I could carry all my things back to my flat in the hot heat with an injured foot, and bear in mind that my things includes the two massive packets of toilet paper, and also a bunch of paper towels and cereal and schoolbooks. In the middle of the day, this was! Mazing.

Okay, so I guess I can't really convey how good this day was by telling things that happened on it, since on an ordinary day I would be completely unmoved by all these things. I guess it's all in my head, the extreme goodness of this day. In any case, have a happy life. I am as happy as a clam. A very happy clam. A clam who has a pleasant home, and a steady food supply, and substantial and adequate reasons to believe that he or she will never end up as someone's hors d'oeuvres.

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