Monday, September 17, 2007

A quick remark about perfect happiness

I got home and hooked up my DVD player, so that now my whole flat can joyously watch movies together, and at first it didn't work, so I flipped channels on the TV in order to find something to watch whilst I played with the various connecting bits to figure out which one had gone wrong. And do you know, Wishbone was on! And it was Don Quixote! And I quickly fixed my DVD player (I had just switched around the white plug and the yellow plug), and then I had all the rest of the time to watch Wishbone! I watched it, and I alphabetized my DVDs and then organized them neatly, and then I ate delicious leftover hashbrowns with cheese that is still not as good as British cheddar cheese but to which I am readapting fairly quickly. Oh, the joy. Life offers nothing more pleasant than an easily fixed problem and nostalgia and hashbrowns.

On a side note, I hate it in movies when people say, "I think I have an idea." You think you have an idea? You think you have an idea? We're going to depend on you to solve our incredibly difficult problem when you're not even certain if there's an idea in your head? Right.

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