Sunday, March 18, 2007

God and chocolate

You will all be glad to hear that I am going on a pilgrimage to Norwich this week in order to pay my respects at Dame Julian’s shrine and get some peaceful reading done; and I am also hoping that God will take this opportunity to manifest and tell me what to do with my life.

(I hope that God does not manifest and tell me to become a bungee-jumper. I have neither the temperament nor the inclination to undertake such a profession.)

For the purposes of this pilgrimage I have purchased an extra box of chocolate muffins. I believe that these will see me through the weekend handily. There is a nice place to stay near the Julian shrine and they will feed me breakfast and dinner, and then for luncheon I shall have chocolate muffins. The pilgrimage will thus serve the dual purpose of discovering the Purpose Of My Life and fattening me up so that if I get captured by cannibals they will kill me swiftly and I will not have to suffer the agonies of suspense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or a traumatic-care doctor. Ew, gore.