Thursday, June 12, 2008

This will not be funny in ten years

So I was at the movie theatre last night (seeing Kung Fu Panda, which surprised me by being sweet and charming and nice even though I hate Jack Black), and there was a couple there withtheir small child. She was probably two or three at the oldest, because she was saying words but she was also babbling nonsense a lot. And whatever, she was being bad, whining and wanting to go home, and they were doing that fierce whispering thing that parents do whose little children are misbehaving in public places, you know, the little girl was throwing popcorn around, the mother was hissing at her to sit down and behave, all that jazz. It was annoying.

Well, the little girl kept being bad, and for a minute they were all totally quiet and then the mother says, not in a whisper, but in a very quiet sob-infused voice voice, “I don’t know what you want from me. I have done everything that I can do for you.”

Seriously, lady? The kid’s barely old enough to construct a complex sentence. I think you’re going to want to wait a little bit longer before she’s going to be able to benefit by Better Parenting Through Guilt™.

P.S. This story is only funny because the child is two. When the child is old enough to comprehend guilt, it will not be funny at all, but tragic.

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