Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Yesterday at work there was this URL to a protocol document, and the beginning of the URL was www.fas.lsu.edu. And because the document was a PDF, I thought that fas.lsu.edu was a directory, rather than a website; and because I am a big geek, I thought someone had cutely named the directory fas because it was full of policy information.

Like fas, the opposite of nefas (from which! nefarious! a delightful word!). Fas means like, right, as in the right thing to do, religiously right. I was really excited and I wanted to write a letter to the people who made the directory and be like, “I got your joke! It was funny! Policies in a right-things-to-do directory!”

But then I remembered that I am in real life, not Latin-Land. It stands for Financial and Accounting Services.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww. But maybe they chose to call it Financial and Accounting Services, rather than, say, the marginally more euphonious (as it lets you read Accounting as a noun and not an icky noun-turned-adjective) Accounting and Financial Services, precisely for the sake of that joke.

(At Harvard, fas means Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which is what I thought your fas would stand for too until I read on.)