Monday, May 12, 2008

Glad to have this settled

Lately I've been upset because there is another car in town just like my car, and it won't wave to me. It's really been making me sad. Every time I saw the car, I waved like a fiend, and the guy in the car refused to wave back. I was all HI HI HI HI HI WE HAVE THE SAME CAR OMG OUR CAR IS THE SAME WE ARE THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE WITH THESE INCREDIBLY OLD COROLLAS AND WE SHOULD WAVE AT EACH OTHER and he was all I am looking in the opposite direction. It was sad for me, and I had some angry feelings at him. Even if he did not notice that we were driving the same car, which I could not imagine that he did not notice this because there are not that many cars like my car as it is very old, but even if, as I say, he did not notice this, it is still polite to wave back at people who wave at you, no matter what doubts you may entertain as to their sanity.

But recently it all became clear to me. See, I've always seen his car from the front, as we approach each other going in opposite directions like the Northgoing Zax and the Southgoing Zax. From the front, his car was indistinguishable from my car. They were identical in oldness and color and make, except that his car was more banged up in the front than my lovely perfect Valencia camel car. (Valencia is my car's name, and she is as excellent a mode of transport as a camel would be.) But recently I saw the car all turning, and I inspected the back of it, and I realized, it's a Camry.

Not the same as my car. Almost, but not quite.

So that is why the guy has not been waving at me all this time.

I just feel so silly. All this time I was judging him for being a waving Grinch, and from the very beginning there was no reason for him to ever wave back, because we don't have the same kind of car! That would be like if a scooter-rider waved frantically at a motorcyclist and expected the motorcycle person to wave back. Or if, if, if a tractor driver waved at an eighteen-wheeler driver, or a bus driver. IT WOULD BE INSANE. I'm so embarrassed. If I knew the Camry guy's phone number and address, I would call him up on the phone and be like, "Hey, this is that crazy waving girl in the incredibly old Corolla, and um, you know, sorry about that. I realize now that you have an incredibly old Camry. My bad." And then I would send him an apologetic flan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad. I thought it was your car, too.