Monday, November 26, 2007

Reflection upon rereading Little Women

Jo should have married Laurie. Jo. Not Amy. That is my official decision. Or else stayed single. Professor Bhaer is absurd and refers to himself as "Monsieur de Trop". Sorry, guy, we can't be friends.

Actually I just looked on the internet and apparently Louisa May Alcott said she "wouldn't marry Jo to Laurie to please anybody". And okay. Fair enough (though I still think they would have suited rather well once Laurie grew up a little bit). But ugh, really? To Amy? So that she can call him "my lord" and buy art and make smug little jokes about Jo's romantic life?

P.S. Rereading this book as a grownup, I have to say Amy strikes me as the type of person who would have wildly kinky sex habits. Don't you think?

P.P.S. "And Amy, who was very dignified in public and very fond in private, gave convincing proof of the truth of her words." Tee-hee. Blow job. Then probably on to whips and chains.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I know I'm a cult of one here, but I think Professor Bhaer is sweet. And poor Jo, her daddy missing through much of her youth - she craves stability, okay? That is so not Laurie.

But, PS, I never thought about Amy's proclivities before, and I'm afraid you are strangely persuasive. *shudders*

Anonymous said...

WOW, you're so right. About Amy, I mean. I'm agnostic about Bhaer and Laurie.