Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A reflection on hair

Today in class, I discovered a very dark hair in amongst my regular fair hair. I mean properly dark, not just brown like bits of my hair are because I don't go in the sun because of skin cancer and roasting burning soul-destroying heat. It looked black. I looked at it for a while and then pulled it out of my head, partly to examine it further and partly to prevent it from breeding.

Ordinarily when it becomes necessary (for whatever reason) to pull a hair out of my head during class, or when it happens that a hair falls out during class, it is unproblematic to dispose of it, because it is virtually invisible. One hair. It blends in with everything, so it looks like your hand is empty anyway, and then you can't see it once it has fallen to the floor. Not so with black hair, which is perfectly visible to everyone and furthermore it shows up on the floor and actually looks weird and unsanitary all coiled there. So I couldn't drop it. I just had to hold it until the class was over and I could go outside and drop it there for a bird to use in its nest.

Another reason to insist that my hair remain its appropriate color which is the color it has ALWAYS BEEN and there is NO NEED for it to start changing its ways now that we have reached adulthood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stacy once found a blond hair on my head; perhaps it got there by trading places with the black hair on yours.

Well, except this was in 2002 or so.