Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter 7 spoilers contained within this post, though not very many

Spoilers, I swear to God, I am starting in just a minute and there will be the spoilers.

Happening now.

Okay. I so totally called it! I WAS SO RIGHT.

(Please ignore what I said about McGonagall. I was never really sure about that anyway.)

But I was so right about Snape and Petunia and Lily! I was completely and entirely and perfectly right and I feel like such a genius right now because I totally am!

Also, JK Rowling, you are a big meanie to kill, um, that person that I believe we discussed and decided we weren't going to kill (you weren't present for the conversation but you damn well should have picked up on it). Actually, I believe I made a list of four people that you really absolutely couldn't kill, and damn if you didn't go ahead and pick off three of them, ya big meanie, and don't pretend like you didn't enjoy dangling the possibility of the fourth one's dying in front of me like, oh, I don't know, every TEN PAGES OR SO like it was a FUNNY JOKE to pretend that he was going to die.

I actually can't pretend that I didn't know it was coming. As soon as, you know, a certain person showed up all happy and rejoicing and with a baby and everything and was all, Oo, Harry, you be godfather, I was positive that the certain person and his blushing bride weren't going to make it. And I frankly think that it is mean to the poor wee baby not to let at least one of his parents survive; and also, who the hell ended up raising that infant? I was sure Harry was going to do it, what with him being all godfathery and everything.

This masquerade is useless. We all know who I'm talking about. She killed Lupin. I want him back.

P.S. Denial is much easier when she doesn't make a meal of the deaths. Sirius and Dumbledore, everyone kept talking about them and there was all this fallout after they died, what with guilt and wills and so forth; but all the people who died in this one snuffed it rather quickly and everyone was too busy trying to kill Voldemort to worry about them much. So in fact I found it easier to read about the ten thousand bazillion people who died in this book than I did Sirius or Dumbledore individually. And that's all. But I want Lupin back. I loved him.


Meghana said...

white girl!

you are so fantastically brilliant. that's amazing. i bow down to you.

-brown girl

Anonymous said...

Hey, what was with all the "R" names in the underground broadcast? Does that have some symbolic meaning? The letter that follows "P" for Potter, maybe, to indicate that they are the followers of Potter?

(Or am I stretching here.)

Anonymous said...

Um, because "Q" doesn't count, of course. Everybody knows that.

*scrambles to cover the fact that she forgot the alphabet*