Friday, June 27, 2008

One of the side effects of transatlantic travel

Or just travel, I guess? Anyway, being away from here.

Because in England, as I mentioned once or twice, it never rained that hard, and it never thundered. Ever. There were three minutes of thundering the entire time I was in England. Here, of course, it rains a lot, so I should have adjusted by now, considering I've been back in America for an entire year. And lately, the rain's been a great big pain in the ass, and I've been not able to swim because of all the raining that's been happening, which means that I am just being a lazy lazy bum.

Anyway, because of that time I was in England for nine months with no rain, every time it rains now, I feel this tremendous urge to look at it and tell someone. I mean it. Every time it rains at all hard. The rain starts pouring down, I spot it out the window and I'm like "WOW. WOW. WOW" and then I have to repress the urge to call everyone I know and be like, "Oh my God you will never guess what has happened! ... No, nothing about Bush ... No, my family's fine ... NO! STOP GUESSING! I WILL TELL YOU! IT IS RAINING!"

(I do miss England, though.)

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