Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Casting about for something brilliant to say

You know how sometimes when you are talking to someone about something, you quickly run out of things to say about that topic? Like, I don't know, bricks. Here are some things I think about when I see bricks:

1. Why are some brick houses so ugly?
2. If I stole those bricks and got some planks from somewhere, I could make a bookshelf.
3. One time, Frank Gilbreth showed off his leet brick-laying skillz to his future in-laws.
4. That Ben Folds Five song that I didn't realize was about abortion until someone pointed it out to me, just another of many examples of me totally ignoring what song lyrics are plainly saying
5. The weird old-timey British compliment

Although all of these things run through my head when I see a brick, none of them are likely to lead to really good conversations. So if I am with you, and we get onto the subject of bricks, the conversation will probably trail off slightly.

Today I was walking with my father, and we were checking out dandelions, and I was thinking of things to say about dandelions. I told him how Mumsy correctly hypothesized that you would be more likely to get your wish if you blew from the bottom of the dandelion (by the stalk), and then I had nothing else to say about dandelions, so I was thinking about them, and it occurred to me it's very lucky for dandelions that people think blowing dandelions away will grant you a wish, because, ta-da! instant fertilization.

In fact, like, weirdly lucky for dandelions.

My Latin teacher used to tell us useful information that she said would save our lives someday (such as, hit a marauding alligator on its nose and poke its eyes and scream really loudly because it won't like that and will waddle away). So here is something that I thought of today that might save your life someday, and I told it to my father, and I am telling it to you, and I recommend that you pass it on to your friends and relations and possibly Homeland Security so that we can ALL BE PREPARED.

This wish business with the dandelions? I have used my deductive skills to deduce that it's an alien plot. Aliens, for some unfathomable alien reason, have a vested interest in ensuring the long-term prosperity of the dandelion. They have infiltrated Earth and spread this rumor about getting wishes, in order to ensure that dandelion spores are spread far and wide. So if ever you are walking around, and aliens land in front of you, and you are panicking because you are afraid that they are going to take you onto their ship and do bad things to you, here's what you do. (Don't smile - they might think you're baring your teeth.) You say, "Welcome to DANDELION LAND! Is it not glorious? We only regret that we do not have MANY MORE DANDELIONS to offer to you, our distinguished visitors!" And then they will spare your life.

You're welcome.


Robyn said...

I feel like I can sleep more safely with the information you've provided me. Bless you.

anna said...

I'm with you all the way about the aliens: I add, I heard on NPR, that dandelions will actually become more populous with global warming, which just goes to show further alien intervention through manufacturing global warming. I, too, have often thought how weirdly lucky it was for dandelions.

However. I fail to see how your welcome to dandelion land helps that much.

anna said...

and, ps, Trumpkin is eternally tied in my head to the old timey british compliment. Is this true for you too?

Jenny said...

Um, what? I have helped so much. They love dandelions. If I tell them that I too love dandelions, they'll think I'm on their side and then they won't kill me.

Vey said...

I'm going to discuss bricks with you on Friday and see how long you can talk.

Jenny said...

No! Holy shit, no! It will be so boring! I have already said all the things I can say about bricks on this blog! I HAVE NOTHING LEFT.

anna said...

:) I love Vey

Also, if they love dandelions so much, might they not just find it easier to kill you and thereby remove competition for the dandelions?

Nancy said...

I just read the lyrics to "Brick" and I still say the lyrics fit a failed suicide attempt better than they do a secret abortion.

Even though, if Ben Folds SAYS it's about abortion, it must be. I'm just saying.