Monday, February 23, 2009

Regarding the Oscars

Hm. Oscar Wilde was obviously up in heaven thinking, Now, Jenny really likes me, and she has for some time now. She is pleased by the mere mention of my name; she knows many facts about me and tells amusing anecdotes in which I feature prominently. What can I do to let her know that I appreciate her public relations efforts on my behalf? And what he settled upon was planting in my mind a weirdly high number of names of people who were going to win the Oscars. Oscars so that I would know he was involved. Thanks, Oscar Wilde! Message received! I love you too!

Yes, for the first time ever, I did not do amazingly poorly at guessing who was going to win Oscars. There are twenty-four categories, and I got nineteen of them correct. (That is more than the New York Times predictor got right, due to the New York Times person thinking that Mickey Rourke was going to win for Best Actor. So foolish. They love Sean Penn and they love those biopics.) I screwed up sound mixing - damn it, ruining my reputation for prescience in that area - and foreign language film, and both the documentaries. Though I think the Hurricane Katrina one should have won the documentary category. You know, I think that based on my absolute ignorance of all the nominees. And I didn't get the animated short. I wanted the one about funeral people.

It was nice not to lose miserably as I normally do, and nice to be back watching the Oscars with my lovely friend Nezabeth, as we have not watched the Oscars together in several years. (Though they still had the same heartwarming MasterCard commercial about a lost puppy that I remember thinking was charming during the Oscars back in high school.)

I like Hugh Jackman but a small part of me regretted that a comedian wasn't doing it, because a comedian would have mercilessly mocked Christian Bale, and that would have been fun. I was disappointed in almost the dresses - people, what is with the necklines this year? - though pleasantly surprised to see Jennifer Aniston looking really pretty and not wearing black. Generally I thought people were looking lovely in spite of their dresses, not because of. Amy Adams looks like she caught that necklace at a Mardi Gras parade - she's so cute, and then that necklace kept drawing my eye and horrifying me anew.

Though I have to say, Robin Wright looked so beautiful it blew my mind. Every time the camera went back to her I could not believe how gorgeous she looked. I have never thought she was all that pretty, and my mum has always said that sometimes Robin Wright looks unbelievably stunning, and behold, I witnessed this phenomenon last night. Pictures don't do her justice. She looked amazing.

And Oscar Wilde loves me! What a nice thing to hear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robin Wright, huh? Yeah, it's very hard to explain this phenomenon to anyone - but she is occasionally breathtaking.

Didn't you like Marisa Tomei's lovely white gown? Lots of white this year! And strangely, I liked almost all the white gowns, despite that silly one-strap thing. What's up with that, anyway - I'm already over that fad.